• Select the “Buy Slots” tab and buy the number of training slots you need
  • Select the “Manage Staff” tab
  • For each trainee, click “Add Staff“, enter their email address and create a password.  For ease of use we recommend you use a single simple password to cover all trainees
  • Select the course for each trainee, “Save” and “OK” 
  • (If you wish to assign two courses to a trainee, you may have to use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard to select both courses)
  • When the trainee has completed the course and passed the assessment you will be able to download a copy for your records.  Just go back to “Manage Staff”, select the download button, and “Print to pdf” on the “Print” menu
  • To get added benefit from the Online Forecourt Operations training, someone who is familiar with the forecourt should give the trainee a tour of the forecourt prior to training
  • Certs are valid for 3 years
  • You can return to your account at any time by entering your email and password in the “Training Login” button

Instructions for trainees:

  • Go to “Training Login” in the website and enter your email and password to access the course
  • Complete the course and the assessment
  • Note that this can be done on a mobile device but it works better on a bigger screen